vendredi 8 octobre 2010

javascript : exemples complexes

Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
All Rights Reserved.

Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:


dojo.html.getClass = function(/* HTMLElement */node){
// summary
// Returns the string value of the list of CSS classes currently assigned directly
// to the node in question. Returns an empty string if no class attribute is found;
node = dojo.byId(node);
if(!node){ return ""; }
var cs = "";
cs = node.className;
}else if(dojo.html.hasAttribute(node, "class")){
cs = dojo.html.getAttribute(node, "class");
return cs.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ""); // string

dojo.html.getClasses = function(/* HTMLElement */node) {
// summary
// Returns an array of CSS classes currently assigned directly to the node in question.
// Returns an empty array if no classes are found;
var c = dojo.html.getClass(node);
return (c == "") ? [] : c.split(/\s+/g); // array

dojo.html.hasClass = function(/* HTMLElement */node, /* string */classname){
// summary
// Returns whether or not the specified classname is a portion of the
// class list currently applied to the node. Does not cover cascaded
// styles, only classes directly applied to the node.
return (new RegExp('(^|\\s+)'+classname+'(\\s+|$)')).test(dojo.html.getClass(node)) // boolean

dojo.html.prependClass = function(/* HTMLElement */node, /* string */classStr){
// summary
// Adds the specified class to the beginning of the class list on the
// passed node. This gives the specified class the highest precidence
// when style cascading is calculated for the node. Returns true or
// false; indicating success or failure of the operation, respectively.
classStr += " " + dojo.html.getClass(node);
return dojo.html.setClass(node, classStr); // boolean

dojo.html.addClass = function(/* HTMLElement */node, /* string */classStr){
// summary
// Adds the specified class to the end of the class list on the
// passed &node;. Returns &true; or &false; indicating success or failure.
if (dojo.html.hasClass(node, classStr)) {
return false;
classStr = (dojo.html.getClass(node) + " " + classStr).replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,"");
return dojo.html.setClass(node, classStr); // boolean

dojo.html.setClass = function(/* HTMLElement */node, /* string */classStr){
// summary
// Clobbers the existing list of classes for the node, replacing it with
// the list given in the 2nd argument. Returns true or false
// indicating success or failure.
node = dojo.byId(node);
var cs = new String(classStr);
if(typeof node.className == "string"){
node.className = cs;
}else if(node.setAttribute){
node.setAttribute("class", classStr);
node.className = cs;
return false;
dojo.debug("dojo.html.setClass() failed", e);
return true;

dojo.html.removeClass = function(/* HTMLElement */node, /* string */classStr, /* boolean? */allowPartialMatches){
// summary
// Removes the className from the node;. Returns true or false indicating success or failure.
if (!allowPartialMatches) {
var newcs = dojo.html.getClass(node).replace(new RegExp('(^|\\s+)'+classStr+'(\\s+|$)'), "$1$2");
} else {
var newcs = dojo.html.getClass(node).replace(classStr,'');
dojo.html.setClass(node, newcs);
dojo.debug("dojo.html.removeClass() failed", e);
return true; // boolean

dojo.html.replaceClass = function(/* HTMLElement */node, /* string */newClass, /* string */oldClass) {
// summary
// Replaces 'oldClass' and adds 'newClass' to node
dojo.html.removeClass(node, oldClass);
dojo.html.addClass(node, newClass);

// Enum type for getElementsByClass classMatchType arg:
dojo.html.classMatchType = {
ContainsAll : 0, // all of the classes are part of the node's class (default)
ContainsAny : 1, // any of the classes are part of the node's class
IsOnly : 2 // only all of the classes are part of the node's class

dojo.html.getElementsByClass = function(
/* string */classStr,
/* HTMLElement? */parent,
/* string? */nodeType,
/* integer? */classMatchType,
/* boolean? */useNonXpath
// summary
// Returns an array of nodes for the given classStr, children of a
// parent, and optionally of a certain nodeType
// FIXME: temporarily set to false because of several dojo tickets related
// to the xpath version not working consistently in firefox.
useNonXpath = false;
var _document = dojo.doc();
parent = dojo.byId(parent) || _document;
var classes = classStr.split(/\s+/g);
var nodes = [];
if( classMatchType != 1 && classMatchType != 2 ) classMatchType = 0; // make it enum
var reClass = new RegExp("(\\s|^)((" + classes.join(")|(") + "))(\\s|$)");
var srtLength = classes.join(" ").length;
var candidateNodes = [];

if(!useNonXpath && _document.evaluate) { // supports dom 3 xpath
var xpath = ".//" + (nodeType || "*") + "[contains(";
if(classMatchType != dojo.html.classMatchType.ContainsAny){
xpath += "concat(' ',@class,' '), ' " +
classes.join(" ') and contains(concat(' ',@class,' '), ' ") +
" ')";
if (classMatchType == 2) {
xpath += " and string-length(@class)="+srtLength+"]";
xpath += "]";
xpath += "concat(' ',@class,' '), ' " +
classes.join(" ') or contains(concat(' ',@class,' '), ' ") +
" ')]";
var xpathResult = _document.evaluate(xpath, parent, null, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null);
var result = xpathResult.iterateNext();
result = xpathResult.iterateNext();
}catch(e){ break; }
return candidateNodes; // NodeList
nodeType = "*";
candidateNodes = parent.getElementsByTagName(nodeType);

var node, i = 0;
while(node = candidateNodes[i++]){
var nodeClasses = dojo.html.getClasses(node);
if(nodeClasses.length == 0){ continue outer; }
var matches = 0;

for(var j = 0; j < nodeClasses.length; j++){
if(classMatchType == dojo.html.classMatchType.ContainsAny){
continue outer;
if(classMatchType == dojo.html.classMatchType.IsOnly){
continue outer;

if(matches == classes.length){
if( (classMatchType == dojo.html.classMatchType.IsOnly)&&
(matches == nodeClasses.length)){
}else if(classMatchType == dojo.html.classMatchType.ContainsAll){
return nodes; // NodeList
dojo.html.getElementsByClassName = dojo.html.getElementsByClass;

dojo.html.toCamelCase = function(/* string */selector){
// summary
// Translates a CSS selector string to a camel-cased one.
var arr = selector.split('-'), cc = arr[0];
for(var i = 1; i < arr.length; i++) {
cc += arr[i].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + arr[i].substring(1);
return cc; // string

dojo.html.toSelectorCase = function(/* string */selector){
// summary
// Translates a camel cased string to a selector cased one.
return selector.replace(/([A-Z])/g, "-$1" ).toLowerCase(); // string

dojo.html.getComputedStyle = function(/* HTMLElement */node, /* string */cssSelector, /* integer? */inValue){
// summary
// Returns the computed style of cssSelector on node.
node = dojo.byId(node);
// cssSelector may actually be in camel case, so force selector version
var cssSelector = dojo.html.toSelectorCase(cssSelector);
var property = dojo.html.toCamelCase(cssSelector);
if(!node || !{
return inValue;
} else if (document.defaultView && dojo.html.isDescendantOf(node, node.ownerDocument)){ // W3, gecko, KHTML
// mozilla segfaults when margin-* and node is removed from doc
// FIXME: need to figure out a if there is quicker workaround
var cs = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(node, "");
return cs.getPropertyValue(cssSelector); // integer
}catch(e){ // reports are that Safari can throw an exception above
if({ // W3
return; // integer
} else {
return inValue; // integer
} else if(node.currentStyle){ // IE
return node.currentStyle[property]; // integer

if({ // W3
return; // integer
return inValue; // integer

dojo.html.getStyleProperty = function(/* HTMLElement */node, /* string */cssSelector){
// summary
// Returns the value of the passed style
node = dojo.byId(node);
return (node && ?[dojo.html.toCamelCase(cssSelector)] : undefined); // string

dojo.html.getStyle = function(/* HTMLElement */node, /* string */cssSelector){
// summary
// Returns the computed value of the passed style
var value = dojo.html.getStyleProperty(node, cssSelector);
return (value ? value : dojo.html.getComputedStyle(node, cssSelector)); // string || integer

dojo.html.setStyle = function(/* HTMLElement */node, /* string */cssSelector, /* string */value){
// summary
// Set the value of passed style on node
node = dojo.byId(node);
if(node &&{
var camelCased = dojo.html.toCamelCase(cssSelector);[camelCased] = value;

dojo.html.setStyleText = function (/* HTMLElement */target, /* string */text) {
// summary
// Try to set the entire cssText property of the passed target; equiv of setting style attribute.
try { = text;
} catch (e) {
target.setAttribute("style", text);

dojo.html.copyStyle = function(/* HTMLElement */target, /* HTMLElement */source){
// summary
// work around for opera which doesn't have cssText, and for IE which fails on setAttribute
target.setAttribute("style", source.getAttribute("style"));
}else{ =;
dojo.html.addClass(target, dojo.html.getClass(source));

dojo.html.getUnitValue = function(/* HTMLElement */node, /* string */cssSelector, /* boolean? */autoIsZero){
// summary
// Get the value of passed selector, with the specific units used
var s = dojo.html.getComputedStyle(node, cssSelector);
if((!s)||((s == 'auto')&&(autoIsZero))){
return { value: 0, units: 'px' }; // object
// FIXME: is regex inefficient vs. parseInt or some manual test?
var match = s.match(/(\-?[\d.]+)([a-z%]*)/i);
if (!match){return dojo.html.getUnitValue.bad;}
return { value: Number(match[1]), units: match[2].toLowerCase() }; // object
dojo.html.getUnitValue.bad = { value: NaN, units: '' };

dojo.html.getPixelValue = function(/* HTMLElement */node, /* string */cssSelector, /* boolean? */autoIsZero){
// summary
// Get the value of passed selector in pixels.
var result = dojo.html.getUnitValue(node, cssSelector, autoIsZero);
// FIXME: there is serious debate as to whether or not this is the right solution
return 0; // integer
// FIXME: code exists for converting other units to px (see Dean Edward's IE7)
// but there are cross-browser complexities
if((result.value)&&(result.units != 'px')){
return NaN; // integer
return result.value; // integer

dojo.html.setPositivePixelValue = function(/* HTMLElement */node, /* string */selector, /* integer */value){
// summary
// Attempt to set the value of selector on node as a positive pixel value.
if(isNaN(value)){return false;}[selector] = Math.max(0, value) + 'px';
return true; // boolean

dojo.html.styleSheet = null;

// FIXME: this is a really basic stub for adding and removing cssRules, but
// it assumes that you know the index of the cssRule that you want to add
// or remove, making it less than useful. So we need something that can
// search for the selector that you you want to remove.
dojo.html.insertCssRule = function(/* string */selector, /* string */declaration, /* integer? */index) {
// summary
// Attempt to insert declaration as selector on the internal stylesheet; if index try to set it there.
if (!dojo.html.styleSheet) {
if (document.createStyleSheet) { // IE
dojo.html.styleSheet = document.createStyleSheet();
} else if (document.styleSheets[0]) { // rest
// FIXME: should create a new style sheet here
// fall back on an exsiting style sheet
dojo.html.styleSheet = document.styleSheets[0];
} else {
return null; // integer
} // fail

if (arguments.length < 3) { // index may == 0
if (dojo.html.styleSheet.cssRules) { // W3
index = dojo.html.styleSheet.cssRules.length;
} else if (dojo.html.styleSheet.rules) { // IE
index = dojo.html.styleSheet.rules.length;
} else {
return null; // integer
} // fail

if (dojo.html.styleSheet.insertRule) { // W3
var rule = selector + " { " + declaration + " }";
return dojo.html.styleSheet.insertRule(rule, index); // integer
} else if (dojo.html.styleSheet.addRule) { // IE
return dojo.html.styleSheet.addRule(selector, declaration, index); // integer
} else {
return null; // integer
} // fail

dojo.html.removeCssRule = function(/* integer? */index){
// summary
// Attempt to remove the rule at index.
dojo.debug("no stylesheet defined for removing rules");
return false;
index = dojo.html.styleSheet.rules.length;
}else if(document.styleSheets[0]){
index = dojo.html.styleSheet.cssRules.length;
return true; // boolean

dojo.html._insertedCssFiles = []; // cache container needed because IE reformats cssText when added to DOM
dojo.html.insertCssFile = function(/* string */URI, /* HTMLDocument? */doc, /* boolean? */checkDuplicates, /* boolean */fail_ok){
// summary
// calls css by XmlHTTP and inserts it into DOM as
if(!URI){ return; }
if(!doc){ doc = document; }
var cssStr = dojo.hostenv.getText(URI, false, fail_ok);
if(cssStr===null){ return; }
cssStr = dojo.html.fixPathsInCssText(cssStr, URI);

var idx = -1, node, ent = dojo.html._insertedCssFiles;
for(var i = 0; i < ent.length; i++){
if((ent[i].doc == doc) && (ent[i].cssText == cssStr)){
idx = i; node = ent[i].nodeRef;
// make sure we havent deleted our node
var styles = doc.getElementsByTagName("style");
for(var i = 0; i < styles.length; i++){
if(styles[i] == node){
// delete this entry
dojo.html._insertedCssFiles.shift(idx, 1);

var style = dojo.html.insertCssText(cssStr, doc);
dojo.html._insertedCssFiles.push({'doc': doc, 'cssText': cssStr, 'nodeRef': style});

// insert custom attribute ex dbgHref="../foo.css" usefull when debugging in DOM inspectors, no?
if(style && djConfig.isDebug){
style.setAttribute("dbgHref", URI);
return style; // HTMLStyleElement

dojo.html.insertCssText = function(/* string */cssStr, /* HTMLDocument? */doc, /* string? */URI){
// summary
// Attempt to insert CSS rules into the document through inserting a style element
// DomNode Style = insertCssText(String ".dojoMenu {color: green;}"[, DomDoc document, dojo.uri.Uri Url ])
return; // HTMLStyleElement
if(!doc){ doc = document; }
if(URI){// fix paths in cssStr
cssStr = dojo.html.fixPathsInCssText(cssStr, URI);
var style = doc.createElement("style");
style.setAttribute("type", "text/css");
// IE is b0rken enough to require that we add the element to the doc
// before changing it's properties
var head = doc.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
if(!head){ // must have a head tag
dojo.debug("No head tag in document, aborting styles");
return; // HTMLStyleElement
if(style.styleSheet){// IE
var setFunc = function(){
style.styleSheet.cssText = cssStr;
}catch(e){ dojo.debug(e); }
setTimeout(setFunc, 10);
}else{ // w3c
var cssText = doc.createTextNode(cssStr);
return style; // HTMLStyleElement

dojo.html.fixPathsInCssText = function(/* string */cssStr, /* string */URI){
// summary
// usage: cssText comes from dojoroot/src/widget/templates/Foobar.css
// it has .dojoFoo { background-image: url(images/bar.png);} then uri should point to dojoroot/src/widget/templates/
if(!cssStr || !URI){ return; }
var match, str = "", url = "", urlChrs = "[\\t\\s\\w\\(\\)\\/\\.\\\\'\"-:#=&?~]+";
var regex = new RegExp('url\\(\\s*('+urlChrs+')\\s*\\)');
var regexProtocol = /(file|https?|ftps?):\/\//;
regexTrim = new RegExp("^[\\s]*(['\"]?)("+urlChrs+")\\1[\\s]*?$");
if(dojo.render.html.ie55 || dojo.render.html.ie60){
var regexIe = new RegExp("AlphaImageLoader\\((.*)src\=['\"]("+urlChrs+")['\"]");
// TODO: need to decide how to handle relative paths and AlphaImageLoader see #1441
// current implementation breaks on build with intern_strings
while(match = regexIe.exec(cssStr)){
url = match[2].replace(regexTrim, "$2");
url = (new dojo.uri.Uri(URI, url).toString());
str += cssStr.substring(0, match.index) + "AlphaImageLoader(" + match[1] + "src='" + url + "'";
cssStr = cssStr.substr(match.index + match[0].length);
cssStr = str + cssStr;
str = "";

while(match = regex.exec(cssStr)){
url = match[1].replace(regexTrim, "$2");
url = (new dojo.uri.Uri(URI, url).toString());
str += cssStr.substring(0, match.index) + "url(" + url + ")";
cssStr = cssStr.substr(match.index + match[0].length);
return str + cssStr; // string

dojo.html.setActiveStyleSheet = function(/* string */title){
// summary
// Activate style sheet with specified title.
var i = 0, a, els = dojo.doc().getElementsByTagName("link");
while (a = els[i++]) {
if(a.getAttribute("rel").indexOf("style") != -1 && a.getAttribute("title")){
a.disabled = true;
if (a.getAttribute("title") == title) { a.disabled = false; }

dojo.html.getActiveStyleSheet = function(){
// summary
// return the title of the currently active stylesheet
var i = 0, a, els = dojo.doc().getElementsByTagName("link");
while (a = els[i++]) {
if (a.getAttribute("rel").indexOf("style") != -1
&& a.getAttribute("title")
&& !a.disabled
return a.getAttribute("title"); // string
return null; // string

dojo.html.getPreferredStyleSheet = function(){
// summary
// Return the preferred stylesheet title (i.e. link without alt attribute)
var i = 0, a, els = dojo.doc().getElementsByTagName("link");
while (a = els[i++]) {
if(a.getAttribute("rel").indexOf("style") != -1
&& a.getAttribute("rel").indexOf("alt") == -1
&& a.getAttribute("title")
return a.getAttribute("title"); // string
return null; // string

dojo.html.applyBrowserClass = function(/* HTMLElement */node){
// summary
// Applies pre-set class names based on browser & version to the passed node.
// Modified version of Morris' CSS hack.
var drh=dojo.render.html;
var classes = {
dj_ie55: drh.ie55,
dj_ie6: drh.ie60,
dj_ie7: drh.ie70,
dj_iequirks: && drh.quirks,
dj_opera: drh.opera,
dj_opera8: drh.opera && (Math.floor(dojo.render.version)==8),
dj_opera9: drh.opera && (Math.floor(dojo.render.version)==9),
dj_khtml: drh.khtml,
dj_safari: drh.safari,
dj_gecko: drh.mozilla
}; // no dojo unsupported browsers
for(var p in classes){
dojo.html.addClass(node, p);

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